SQL : Embedding Quotes Within String Literals


You want to embed quote marks within string literals. You would like to produce results such as the following with SQL:

g'day mate
beavers' teeth


The following three SELECTs highlight different ways you can create quotes: in the middle of a string and by themselves:

 1 select 'g''day mate' qmarks from t1 union all
2 select 'beavers'' teeth' from t1 union all
3 select '''' from t1


When working with quotes, it's often useful to think of them like parentheses. When you have an opening parenthesis, you must always have a closing parenthesis. The same goes for quotes. Keep in mind that you should always have an even number of quotes across any given string. To embed a single quote within a string you need to use two quotes:

select 'apples core', 'apple''s core',
case when '' is null then 0 else 1 end
from t1

----------- ------------ -----------------------------
apples core apple's core 0

Following is the solution stripped down to its bare elements. You have two outer quotes defining a string literal, and, within that string literal you have two quotes that together represent just one quote in the string that you actually get:

select '''' as quote from t1


When working with quotes, be sure to remember that a string literal comprising two quotes alone, with no intervening characters, is NULL.

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