Sorting by Multiple Fields


You want to sort the rows from EMP first by DEPTNO ascending, then by salary descending. You want to return the following result set:

      EMPNO      DEPTNO         SAL  ENAME       JOB
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
7839 10 5000 KING PRESIDENT
7782 10 2450 CLARK MANAGER
7934 10 1300 MILLER CLERK
7788 20 3000 SCOTT ANALYST
7902 20 3000 FORD ANALYST
7566 20 2975 JONES MANAGER
7876 20 1100 ADAMS CLERK
7369 20 800 SMITH CLERK
7698 30 2850 BLAKE MANAGER
7499 30 1600 ALLEN SALESMAN
7844 30 1500 TURNER SALESMAN
7521 30 1250 WARD SALESMAN
7654 30 1250 MARTIN SALESMAN
7900 30 950 JAMES CLERK


List the different sort columns in the ORDER BY clause, separated by commas:

 1 select empno,deptno,sal,ename,job
2 from emp
3 order by deptno, sal desc


The order of precedence in ORDER BY is from left to right. If you are ordering using the numeric position of a column in the SELECT list, then that number must not be greater than the number of items in the SELECT list. You are generally permitted to order by a column not in the SELECT list, but to do so you must explicitly name the column. However, if you are using GROUP BY or DISTINCT in your query, you cannot order by columns that are not in the SELECT list.

** If you want the Full Table detail. Refer the SQL Table in Label List. Or Click here to View the Table