Copying a Table Definition - SQL Server


You want to create a new table having the same set of columns as an existing table. For example, you want to create a copy of the DEPT table and call it DEPT_2. You do not want to copy the rows, only the column structure of the table.



Use the LIKE clause with the CREATE TABLE command:

 create table dept_2 like dept
Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL

Use the CREATE TABLE command with a subquery that returns no rows:

 1 create table dept_2
2 as
3 select *
4 from dept
5 where 1 = 0
SQL Server

Use the INTO clause with a subquery that returns no rows:

 1 select *
2 into dept_2
3 from dept
4 where 1 = 0



DB2's CREATE TABLE…LIKE command allows you to easily use one table as the pattern for creating another. Simply specify your pattern table's name following the LIKE keyword.

Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL

When using Create Table As Select (CTAS), all rows from your query will be used to populate the new table you are creating unless you specify a false condition in the WHERE clause. In the solution provided, the expression "1 = 0" in the WHERE clause of the query causes no rows to be returned. Thus the result of the CTAS statement is an empty table based on the columns in the SELECT clause of the query.

SQL Server

When using INTO to copy a table, all rows from your query will be used to populate the new table you are creating unless you specify a false condition in the WHERE clause of your query. In the solution provided, the expression "1 = 0" in the predicate of the query causes no rows to be returned. The result is an empty table based on the columns in the SELECT clause of the query.

** If you want the Full Table detail. Refer the SQL Table in Label List. Or Click here to View the Table